Vertical centering
Because your client still uses IE 10 and you can’t use Flexbox. Webflow doesn't support IE 10 and IE 10 doesn’t support Flexbox.
Align an object vertically inside a parent div.
Rules & Regulations
- Does not work with min-height
- Height must be set with px, %, vh (and can't be auto)
Give the element a relative position with a top: 50%
Go down to the transform styles, and give it a -50% y
Equal-height objects
Flexbox still sucks in IE 10.
To keep your elements vertically aligned, based on the tallest height.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Footer Code.
In the Designer Mode, go to the Custom Attributes (under settings) of the element and add an attribute with name data-mh.
Add a value to your attribute. Here, we use card as the value but this value can be anything as long as it’s the same value on all elements on the page that need to be equal height.
Style the select dropdown
Webflow has a default style for select dropdowns.
This overrides Webflow's default style and allows you to customize select dropdowns.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Header Code.
In this instance, banana is the class name that should be added to your select dropdown.
In the Designer, edit your banana class to look however you like. Make sure to add a new arrow icon as a background image.
Smooth Form field
For instances where you don't want the input field to have rounded corners on mobile. Webflow for whatever reason adds a boo boo little curve to them so this smoothes it out.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Header Code.
Custom Bullet List Icon
Webflow has a default style for bullet lists
This overrides Webflow's default style and allows you to add any img, png, svg as a bullet list by simply adding "special-list" or "special-list" + "alt" combo class to your list component.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Header Code.
In this instance, special-list is the class name that should be added to your list component.
Note: Add special-list to you whole list component, not to individual list items. The code uses a dynamic selector; basically says automatically find and replace the bullet of any list item inside of a div with class "special list". This means we don't have to add it to each and every list item manually :) Computers, amirite?
In the Designer, edit your list item class to allow space for your new icon. Eg, add some left padding if your custom icon is wider than the default bullet
Webflow has a "start checked" setting for checkboxes, but not for radio buttons :(
This adds the same functionality to a radio button. Dad says: Remember, you can only set one radio button to be checked at a time in a button group.
Add the following to the data-attribute on the input (radio button) itself (not the label)
Link to tab on another page
This allows you to open up a specific tab when you link to it.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Footer Code.
(function () {
var tabName = getParam('tab');
if (!tabName) return;
$('.' + tabName).triggerHandler('click');
function getParam(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
Add a class to the tab you want to link to. I'll be adding class target-tab-link in this example.
Link the button/link (that is linking to the tab on another page) to URL:
(page will be the name of your page).
Text break
To force your text to break to the next line when it's a string of letters.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Header Code.
word-wrap: break-word;
Add class text-force-wrap to your text.
Use img tag instead of background images
For clients who ask for a CMS outside of Webflow, Drupal 8 does not support background images.
Allows images to cover like background images.
Drop an image inside of a div.
Add a class to the div and give it relative positioning.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Header Code.
The height can be set to your preference.
object-fit :cover;
width :100%;
height: 700px;
Font smoothing
Sometimes fonts render ugly.
This helps them look better and truer to your mockups.
In the Custom Code section of your site, copy and paste the snippet below in the Header Code.
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
Hide elements for printing
For pages that need to be printer-friendly.
This hides elements on your page so that your users won't print out unnecessary items and waste ink.
In the Custom Code section of your site OR the Custom Code section of your page (this should be determined on a case by case basis), copy and paste the snippet below.
@media print
/* hide elements */
.class-name, .another-class-name, .etc {
display: none !important; }
Create table with code embed
You need to build a wonderful RESPONSIVE table and things can get messy if you build div by div.
This is custom code you'll be embedding into your site.
Drag the embed component into your site from the Elements panel.
Copy and paste the table HTML below.
Create your table class styles targeting the th (table header) and td (table data).
font-weight: 400;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #e2e2e2;
border-style: none;
border-width: 0px;
word-break: normal;
color: #333;
.table-block td {
padding: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
vertical-align: text-top;
border-top: 1px solid #d5d5d5;